Cooking methods of foie gras
Foie gras is offered for sale in several forms: whether it is simply raw or has been cooked in different ways, a brief overview is necessary.
Raw foie gras.
The freshest foie gras par excellence, raw foie gras is bought to be cooked in a pan or transformed into a terrine. Cooked slightly between 55 and 58 degrees, raw foie gras can be sold by the slice in the delicatessen department, vacuum-packed (fresh or frozen) or in a terrine jar. Once placed in the refrigerator, it must be consumed within a week of purchase.
The advantage: this is the best way to make homemade foie gras, because cooking your own foie gras allows you to create many tasty recipes. Raw foie gras should be cooked in a terrine or pan-fried
Goose or duck?
If we think more about goose foie gras than duck foie gras, it is nevertheless the latter that prevails: more than 95% of the production in France! And while duck foie gras has a more powerful and rustic taste than goose foie gras, it is also less expensive and a little richer in fat.
Semi-cooked foie gras.
Sterilized at 85 degrees, then sold in the refrigerated section, vacuum-packed or in cans, it can be kept for up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator if it is fresh and for several months if it is in a glass jar, depending on the use-by date. It is available in jars, terrines, or trays. Semi-cooked foie gras is a ready-to-eat product.
The advantage: not necessarily better than canned foie gras, but more restrictive because it must be kept in a cool place and consumed quickly.
Please note that we do not offer fresh or semi-cooked foie gras at Foie Gras Gourmet because we cannot guarantee the cold chain during transport. But rest assured, our canned duck and goose foie gras, blocks of foie gras or whole foies gras have been subject to a rigorous selection (60 producers tested, only 5 brands of foies gras offered) are excellent.
Canned foie gras.
Cooked at 110 degrees, then presented in a metal can or glass jar, it can be kept for several years in a cool, dry place (between 10 and 15 degrees).
The advantage: it becomes smoother with age and can be kept for several years. It is best to store your foie gras in a cellar, a wine cellar or a kitchen.
Two commercial names for canned foie gras.
If it is stamped "foie gras", the product must contain 100% foie gras and at the most a seasoning, and no more. But the reality is more complex: between the "block of foie gras" and the "whole foie gras", canned, semi-cooked or fresh foie gras, many differences remain.
The block of foie gras: the "first price".
The block of foie gras is made up of several foies gras worked together and reconstituted with a little water (10%) in order to obtain an emulsion with a homogeneous texture. There is also the "block of foie gras with pieces", which indicates that there are pieces of foie gras (usually 30%).
The advantage: in addition to being affordable, it is suitable for small portions as well as much larger boxes. The block of foie gras is ideal for spreading on toast.
Whole foie gras: the top of the line.
This is the must-have. It is a preparation composed of a whole foie gras or several whole lobes, also of very good quality. Up to twice as expensive as the block of foie gras, its natural appearance and uniform color, taste, and texture thrill purists.
The plus: it is the best quality foie gras on the market: extra fresh, deveined, and seasoned. It is most often eaten plain, but it is possible to add salt or pepper or to enjoy it with a fig or onion confit.
1. The price: a quality foie gras will necessarily be more expensive. Especially since with the return of avian flu this year, prices are not likely to be revised downwards.
2. The origin: Care should be taken when selecting foie gras, especially since there are countries that import their own foie gras and it may not be of good quality. There is no doubt that the best is the French, especially the foie gras from the southwest, a region that has ancestral know-how and allows many small producers to offer excellent products (thanks to the many tourists who are delighted to discover the region and to enjoy the regional specialties, a local corn production).
3. Preservatives: As a general rule, avoid all preservatives, especially artificial flavors and colors.
4. Taste it! Enjoy. It is so easy to make excellent foie gras toasts and to treat your guests.
Alle jaren gaar ik een terinne fois gras voor Kerst van 1 kg
Ik doe dat in bain Marie. Oven vòòrverwarmen op 200graden
Daarna 50 min op 150 graden.
Ik heb een nieuwe oven zodat het toch anders was.
Midden-in had ik brokken gestold vet, wat liep er fout ?
Buongiorno Gabriele, per raggiungere la perfezione culinaria, la scaloppina di foie gras d’anatra scottata in padella deve raggiungere una temperatura interna compresa tra 50 e 55°C. Ciò ti consente di mantenere una consistenza fondente pur essendo molto caldo all’interno. La cottura dovrà essere veloce, a fuoco vivace, per ottenere una bella crosticina dorata senza scuocere l’interno.
Una scaloppa di foie gras di Anatra,scottata in padella,che temperatura deve raggiungere per essere servita in un ristorante?
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